Scope of works for a Landing page 

Designing and hosting a landing page from a template for a digital Company involves several steps, including the following:

  1. Consultation: The first step in the process is to share  with the digital Company samples of different types of landing pages matching the niche of the Company

  2. Design and Development: The designer will use the selected template  to create a design for the landing page that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and consistent with the Company’s branding. The designer will also code the landing page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure it is functional and responsive.

  3. Content Creation: The landing page will require content that is persuasive, engaging, and informative. This includes headlines, subheadings, bullet points, and calls-to-action that encourage the user to take the desired action.

  4. Optimization: The designer will optimize the landing page to ensure it loads quickly and is search engine friendly. This includes optimizing images, minimizing code, and adding relevant keywords and meta descriptions.

  5. Hosting: Once the landing page is designed and developed, it needs to be hosted on a web server. The designer will work with the Company to choose a hosting provider and set up the landing page on the chosen platform.

  6. Testing and Launch: The landing page will be thoroughly tested to ensure it is functional and error-free. Once it is deemed ready, it will be launched and made live for the public to access.

Overall, the scope of work for designing and hosting a landing page for a digital Company involves a combination of design, development, content creation, optimization, and testing to create a landing page that is visually appealing, functional, and effective at converting visitors into clients.