Scope of Whatsapp Poster Design

  1. Concept Development: Based on the consultation, the designer will create a concept for the WhatsApp campaign poster. This will include the messaging, visuals, and design elements that will be used to create the poster.

  2. Design and Development: The designer will use the concept to create a design for the WhatsApp campaign poster that is visually appealing, eye-catching, and consistent with the client’s branding. The designer will also ensure the poster is optimized for the WhatsApp platform in terms of size and format.

  3. Content Creation: The campaign poster will require content that is persuasive, engaging, and informative. This includes headlines, subheadings, bullet points, and calls-to-action that encourage the user to take the desired action.

  4. Optimization: The designer will optimize the campaign poster to ensure it is optimized for the WhatsApp platform in terms of size and format. This includes optimizing images, minimizing file size, and ensuring the poster is compatible with WhatsApp’s file format.

  5. Testing and Launch: The campaign poster will be thoroughly tested to ensure it is functional and error-free. Once it is deemed ready, it will be launched and shared on WhatsApp.