The scope of work for an advanced website with 30 web pages would include the following steps:

  1. Discovery: Conduct a discovery phase to gather information about the business and the goals for the website. This will include researching the competition and the target audience.

  2. Sitemap: Develop a sitemap for the website to outline the structure and organization of the website.

  3. Design: Create a design for the website that aligns with the brand identity and meets the needs of the target audience. This will include wireframes and visual designs for the website.

  4. Development: Build the website using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress. This will include the creation of the 30 web pages, and the integration of any necessary functionality and plugins.

  5. Content creation: Write and publish the content for the website, including the text and images.

  6. Quality assurance: Conduct a quality assurance process to ensure that the website is functional and meets all technical requirements.

  7. Launch: Launch the website and make it live to the public.

  8. Ongoing maintenance: Provide ongoing maintenance and support for the website, including security updates, backups, and bug fixes.

  9. Analytics: Implement website analytics to track the performance of the website and gather data-driven insights.

  10. Optimization: Continuously optimize the website based on the performance data and feedback from the target audience.

Here is a sample menu for a 30-page advanced website:

  • Home

  • About Us

  • Services

  • Team

  • Blog

  • Contact Us

  • FAQ

  • Testimonials

  • Portfolio

  • Pricing

  • Privacy Policy

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Careers

  • Partners

  • Resources

  • Case Studies

  • Press Room

  • Webinars

  • Events

  • E-books

  • White Papers

  • Testimonial Request

  • Newsletters

  • Affiliate Program

  • Customer Login

  • Knowledge Base

  • Sitemap

  • Feedback

  • Recommend Us

  • Our Story

Note: The menu and the web pages may vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the business.