Tech Platform Training for Business Owners


The primary objective of this scope of work is to provide technology platform training to business owners and key personnel. This training is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge required to effectively manage and leverage technology platforms for your business operations. This scope of work outlines the tasks and deliverables involved in the technology platform training process.

  1. Initial Consultation:

    • Needs Assessment: We will begin with a comprehensive discussion to understand your business goals, the specific technology platforms you use or intend to use, and the training requirements.
  2. Training Needs Analysis

    • Platform Evaluation: We will assess the technology platforms you use, such as software, apps, or tools, and identify the specific training needs for each.
    • User Proficiency Levels: We will determine the current proficiency levels of your team members and tailor the training accordingly.
  3. Training Program Development:

    • Curriculum Design: We will design a training curriculum that covers the essential features and functions of the technology platforms in use.
    • Customization: The training program will be customized to address your specific business needs and objectives.
  4. Training Delivery:

    • Instructor-Led Training: We will provide live, instructor-led training sessions either in person or virtually, depending on your preference and location.
    • Hands-On Learning: Participants will have the opportunity for hands-on practice to apply what they’ve learned.
    • Training Materials: We will provide training materials, including manuals, guides, and resources, to support learning.
  5. Technology Platform Topics:

    • Training will cover various aspects of the technology platforms, such as software applications, tools, or systems, that are relevant to your business operations. This may include areas like:
      • Software Usage: Training on how to effectively use software applications for tasks such as project management, customer relationship management, and productivity tools.
      • Data Management: Training on data entry, storage, retrieval, and analysis.
      • Digital Marketing: Training on digital marketing platforms, advertising tools, and analytics.
      • E-commerce Platforms: Training on managing online stores, product listings, and customer orders.
  6. Assessment and Progress Tracking:

    • Skills Assessment: Periodic assessments will be conducted to gauge the proficiency of participants.
    • Progress Tracking: Participants’ progress will be tracked to ensure that training objectives are met.
  7.  Troubleshooting and Support:

    • We will provide guidance and support for addressing technical issues, challenges, or questions related to the technology platforms.
  8. Reporting and Feedback:

    • Training Reports: You will receive regular reports on the training progress, including feedback and recommendations for improvement.
  9. Consultation and Recommendations:

    • Client Meetings: We will schedule regular meetings to discuss the training progress, results, and make any necessary adjustments.
  10. Ongoing Support and Resources:

    • After the training is completed, we will continue to provide support, access to resources, and updates on new features or developments in the technology platforms.
  11. Project Timeline:
    • The timeline for this project will be discussed and agreed upon during the initial consultation.
  12. Client Collaboration:

    • Your active involvement and feedback throughout the training process are essential to ensure that the technology platform training aligns with your business goals and objectives.

By the completion of this scope of work, you and your team will have gained the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage and leverage technology platforms for your business operations. We are committed to empowering you with the capabilities to optimize your use of technology, enhance productivity, and achieve your business goals through efficient platform utilisation.