Scope of work for designing Instagram posts:

  1. Consultation and Assessment: We Start with a consultation and assessment phase, where you discuss the client’s business needs and objectives for their Instagram posts. You should also evaluate the client’s brand identity, target audience, and competitors to ensure that the designs align with the client’s goals.

  2. Planning and Strategy: Once the assessment phase is complete, We proceed with the planning and strategy phase. This includes developing a content plan, which outlines the type of posts to be created, the frequency of posts, and the themes that will be covered.

  3. Design Concept Development: After the planning and strategy phase, you will need to develop the design concepts for the Instagram posts. This involves creating a set of design templates that can be used to create a variety of post types.

  4. Design and Refinement: Once the design templates are developed, you will need to create the individual Instagram posts based on the content plan. This involves designing and refining the posts through a feedback and revision process until the final designs are approved.

  5. Delivery and Formats: Once the final designs are approved, you will need to deliver the posts in the appropriate formats for Instagram, which includes a combination of graphics, images, and videos. The posts should be optimized for the best performance on Instagram.

  6. Posting and Analytics: You should assist the client in posting the designs on their Instagram account and provide them with the necessary analytics to measure the success of their posts. This includes tracking the engagement rates, click-through rates, and follower growth over time.

Detailed inputs required for designing Instagram posts include:

  • Brand Identity: You will need access to the client’s brand guidelines, including the brand colors, fonts, and other design elements.

  • Content Plan: You will need a detailed content plan that outlines the types of posts to be created, the themes to be covered, and the frequency of posts.

  • Images and Videos: You will need access to high-quality images and videos that can be used in the Instagram posts.

  • Hashtags: You will need a list of relevant hashtags to use in the Instagram posts to improve visibility.

Overall, your scope of work should include all the necessary steps to ensure successful Instagram post designs for the client. You should align with the client’s business objectives, develop a content plan, create design templates and refine individual designs, deliver the posts in the appropriate formats, assist with posting and provide analytics. You should also require detailed inputs from the client, including brand identity, content plan, images and videos, and hashtags.